Welcome to The Bridge


The Bridge SEN School aims to help these young people flourish without losing their essence and transforming them into better people within their abilities, quirks and desires.

Edith Eneanya-Bonito


James Nuttall 

Head Teacher

0207 703 85 87 


Our Safeguarding & Complaints Policy

At The Bridge SEN School, we take your safety seriously. We believe that every student should feel safe whilst at our school. We feel strongly that all students should be treated with respect, dignity, and courtesy regardless of their age, race, sex, or religion. We will not tolerate abusive or aggressive behavior from anybody towards any students or members of staff at our school. If you feel that you have been abused by either another learner or a member of staff please let us know immediately. You can speak to the Safeguarding Officer. Their details are displayed in your classroom and around the building as well as in the Students’ handbook. If you are concerned about another student, please come and speak to one of the above people. Visit our policy section to see all our policies.